Airborne LiDAR Scanning
Airborne LiDAR scanning at Vision Surveys (QLD)
Vision Surveys (QLD)'s airborne LiDAR data capture is a remote sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distances with exceptional precision. It's a crucial tool that captures detailed 3D data for applications such as infrastructure assessment, urban planning, and environmental monitoring, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making when designing and monitoring projects.
We offer both manned aircraft-captured LiDAR for large remote areas with lower accuracy and point density requirements, and UAV based LiDAR where high precision and point densities are needed, for example, road corridors for both new design and maintenance/ improvement.
LiDAR data you can trust
Vision Surveys (QLD)'s flagship LiDAR is powered by Riegl sensors, known for precision and clean data. Partnered with long endurance drones. Our team can capture data of large areas and long corridor projects. With exceptionally high point densities, we offer efficient data capture in almost any terrain, accurate ground and feature extraction, and deliverables that clients can easily handle and rely on.
Exceptional LiDAR surveys
Utilising quality sensors is only one aspect of delivering reliable LiDAR data. Vision Surveys (QLD) has developed field capture techniques. Paired with a suite of quality control and assurance field and office methodologies Vision ensures and documents accuracies in raw LiDAR data and the quality of the ground and feature extraction. We provide our clients peace of mind regarding the survey data they are working with.
Approved For LiDAR operations for defence and federal government projects
Our LiDAR and UAV platforms have been specifically designed to comply with the latest Defence and Federal Government legislation in Australia and the United States National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) regulations. This equips Vision to provide LiDAR and photogrammetry services across various defence projects.
Our LiDAR services
Vision Surveys (QLD)’s LiDAR scanning capability supports various spatial data gathering and documentation including:
Regional road upgrades and maintenance
Surface and feature extraction for feasibility and detailed design of solar and wind farms
Detailed terrain models of complex terrain for water resource design
Infrastructure corridor surveys for water, gas, electricity and similar applications
Surface and feature extraction for defence projects
Riverine surveyed (in conjunction with our hydrographic surveys) for bank stabilisation and remediation, as well as sand mining operations
Whole of mine extraction/production interval surveys.
Airborne LiDAR scanning FAQs
How does LiDAR work?
LiDAR, a remote sensing technology, operates by emitting laser pulses towards objects and measuring the time it takes for the pulses to bounce back. These time measurements are used to calculate distances and create detailed 3D maps of the scanned area. LiDAR finds applications in fields like forestry, geology, and autonomous vehicles.
What does LiDAR stand for?
LiDAR stands for light detection and ranging. It is a remote sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distances and create detailed 3D models of objects and environments. LiDAR is widely used in various industries, including surveying, archaeology, and urban planning, due to its precision and accuracy.
How is LiDAR scanning different from photogrammetry and when is it beneficial to use it?
LiDAR scanning uses laser pulses for precise terrain mapping and urban planning, penetrating vegetation for accurate elevation data. Photogrammetry, relying on photos, offers cost-effective large-area mapping and detailed 3D modelling, ideal for environmental monitoring. A hybrid approach often combines both methods for comprehensive geospatial data acquisition.
How does airborne LiDAR scanning differ from mobile laser scanning for regional road network surveys?
Vision's Airborne LiDAR scanning achieves high precision and density point clouds over long distances, covering 30-75KM/day. Unlike mobile laser scanning, it provides a holistic view of road corridors, including underground features, aiding comprehensive civil designs.